Resources for Teachers & other Key Workers
Primary Activity Mats
Our primary activity mats are designed for children at Key Stages 1 and 2 to support their learning while in school or at home. The activities aim to provide opportunities to explore medical themes and reassure young people (and their families around them). They are designed to encourage self-care and support wellbeing, but importantly to be fun and engaging.
See also our Return to School Resources – these include a number of activities suitable for online teaching.
Physical Health
- Healthy Mucus
- Viruses
- Viruses (trickier)
- Allergies (word search)
- Allergies (trickier)
- Breaking Bones
- Breaking Bones (trickier)
- Bruises (wordsearch)
- Bruises (mystery word)
- Tooth bugs (word search)
- Tooth bugs (trickier)
- Sight (KS1)
- Sight (KS2)
- Hearing (KS1)
- Hearing (KS2)
How our bodies change
- Life cycle
- Humans have eggs
Mental Health
- Anxiety (boggle)
- Anxiety (word search)
- Feel Good Hormones
- Laughter (KS1)
- Laughter (KS2) (word search)
Looking after ourselves
- Exercise = brain power
- Sleep (KS1)
- Sleep (KS2)
- Poo (word search)
- Poo (crossword)
- The Sun (crossword)
- The Sun (word search)
- Postcard (linked resource for ‘The Sun’ activity mats
- Water (boggle)
- Water (word search)
Want access to these resources?
Would you like access to these activity mats, multimedia resources, and more? Discover our innovative Digital Training packages for delivering outstanding primary school health education.