Facts4Life News

Rethinking ‘Rethinking Medicine’ – knowledge, power and paternalism

The current pandemic is forcing medicine to think and work more flexibly. We are also witnessing a rapid change in the way others think about health, where responsibility lies and the quantity, quality and delivery of the information shared. Now is the time to think more widely about how we bring education about health and illness into mainstream teaching – and not just for the next pandemic.

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Facts4Life is great. But where can I fit it in?

The Facts4Life resources are proving to be very popular amongst schools in Gloucestershire. As well as central training courses which are attended by one or two members of staff from a school, we are also getting many requests to do whole staff training, often with...

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Facts4Life on Being Mortal

Facts4Life on Being Mortal

August is the time to stop, recharge the batteries and catch up on some reading. That may include some light distraction, but a book that really chimes is one that reflects your ideals, teaches you something new, and sheds more light on what it is to be human. Atul...

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New Facts4Life Website Goes Live

New Facts4Life Website Goes Live

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new Facts4Life website. Our new look reflects the unique philosophy and appearance of our teaching resource and captures the developments that have taken place in recent months.

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Launch of New Facts4Life Primary Resources for Health Resilience

Facts4Life announces the launch of its new Primary Resource. Reception and KS1 children will learn about health resilience and explore strategies for well-being. Our KS2 materials have been revised with further opportunities to address mental health issues. We know from the Facts4Life pilot just how interested young people are in their own health and in ‘body centred’ learning.

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Expansion of Facts4Life

Another ten schools received training in the Facts4Life project this week and expressed very positive views on how these ideas can benefit their students. Kelly Green, Lead Teacher, gave teachers the opportunity to take part in some of the key activities of the...

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